Di Livey. Visual artist working at Chisenhale Studios, London. Trained at Chelsea School of Art and Royal College of Art. Arts Council of Great Britain Award.
1974 La Sala Vinçon Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
1978 Project Arts Centre, Dublin
1985 Empty Vessels - The Winchester Gallery
1985 Empty Vessels - Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum
1985 Milton Keynes Gallery
1991 Resting Place - touring exhibition, UK
2000 Trace Patterns - The Studio Gallery, Wandsworth
1970 Ten Sitting Rooms - ICA, London
1975 Garage Gallery, London
1976 John Moores 10 - Liverpool
1977 Bagnigge Wells Arts Society, London
1978 John Moores 11 - Liverpool
1980 Lyric Theatre Gallery - Hammersmith
1981 Summer Show 2 - Serpentine Gallery, London
1981 Midland Group - Nottingham
1982 Constructions and Configurations - Kettle's Yard, Cambridge
1982 Through Children's Eyes; a Fresh Look at Contemporary Art - Southampton
1982 Fabric and Form - British Council/Crafts Council Gallery, London
1983 Art for Amnesty - Exhibition in aid of Amnesty International, London
1983 Whitechapel Open - Whitechapel Gallery, London
1986 Living with Art - Arts Council exhibition, Ideal Home Exhibition, Olympia
1986 Sculpture at Stoke - National Garden Festival, Stoke- on-Trent
1987 2 Sculptors - Hampshire Sculpture Trust, Mottisfont Abbey
1987 The Day Book - Smith's Gallery, London
1988 The Day Book - Richard Delmarco Gallery, Edinburgh
1989 Sculpture in a Rose Garden - The National Rose Society, St Albans, Herts
1989 It's a Still Life - Arts Council of Great Britain Touring Exhibition
1989-2018 Open Studios - Chisenhale Studios
1977 Arts Council of Great Britain Visual Arts Award
1981 Arts Council of Great Britain - Domestic Piece One